Edisi keempat Prinsip-prinsip Kimia Modern ini masih meneruskan tradisisnya dalam membimbing para mahasiswa yang mempunyai keingintahuan lebih akan ilmu Kimia dasar tingkat tinggi. Edisi baru ini sudah mengalami penyempurnaan yang substansial, memuat pengenalan dini akan struktur molekul dan semakin'mempertegas argumen-argumen struktur dalam penyajian topik-topik sisanya. Hubungan antara strukt…
This was the second workshop held in Annenia on this important subject. The first workshop (entitled 'Countering Nuclear/Radiological Terrorism') was held in September 2005. It was so successful that the participants thought there was a need to continue the dialogue through a second NATO workshop on the subject. The objective of the present workshop was the same as the first: (a) to identify co…